Organization Type
- Californian public or private non-profit organizations serving American Indian/Alaskan Native communities with a permanent business in California or are qualified through the Secretary of State to do business in California are eligible to apply for these funds.
- Tribal consortia based in California are eligible to apply for these funds. A Tribal consortium is defined as a non-profit partnership that works together to achieve a common objective and is authorized by the governing bodies of those tribes to apply for and receive assistance. A Tribal consortium may consist of at least two (2) Tribes. If a consortium application is submitted, the lead organization must be the Applicant that will serve as the administrative hub. All Tribal consortium partners must be from Federally Recognized California Tribal Governments per the U.S. Department of Interior Indian Affairs, and Tribal Joint Power Authorities.
- Applicants claiming private non-profit status must submit proof of their non-profit status with their Application. Certification must be from the State of California, Office of Secretary of State, or a letter from the Department of Treasury, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) classifying the agency as a non-profit agency is acceptable proof. For an example, see Appendix 4: Sample Non-Profit Status Letter.
- California Tribal Governments are not eligible to apply for these funds except as a consortium. Additionally, Local Lead Agencies, local health departments, colleges and universities, county offices of education, school districts, and State of California and federal government agencies are not eligible to apply.
Required Scope of Work (SOW)
Applicants are required to use the prescribed SOW intervention and evaluation activities (Appendix 2: Required Scope of Work) that are pre-populated in OTIS. The prescribed activities are comprehensive and designed to support the selected objectives. Applicants may propose one or more additional activities that are not listed in the prescribed SOW, during the modification period (if awarded). Please note that it is not guaranteed that any proposed activity will be accepted during the modification period. Additionally, a proposed additional activity cannot be used as a substitution for any of the required activities in the SOW and cannot be used as a method to augment available funds.
Certify No Tobacco Industry Conflict
To avoid any real or apparent conflict of interest, the Applicant must certify that it and any of its proposed subcontractors, employees, officers, and directors will not accept funding from nor have an affiliation, contractual relationship, or engage in a corporate responsibility with the tobacco industry, tobacco industry subsidiaries, electronic cigarette/vaping companies and cannabis companies, or related industries. Please see Appendix 5: Certification of Non-Acceptance of Tobacco Funds.