Frequently Asked Questions

Where can bidders find Request for Applications/Request for Proposals information?

All information provided for any given Request for Applications/Request for Proposals will be posted to this website. Check back often for updated information.

What is the California Tobacco Prevention Program (CTPP)? Where does your funding come from?

In November 1988, Californians approved a 25-cent tax on cigarettes, the catalyst for one of the world’s most successful public health efforts. The Tobacco Tax and Health Protection Act (Proposition 99) dedicated 5 cents of the 25-cent tax to fund California’s tobacco control efforts. Then in November 2016, voters overwhelmingly passed Proposition 56, a ballot initiative to raise the tax on tobacco products as a way to prevent youth from smoking and fight the impact of tobacco on our state’s residents. The California Healthcare, Research and Prevention Tobacco Tax Act (Proposition 56) increased the state’s tobacco tax by $2 per pack and an equivalent amount on e-cigarettes and other tobacco products.

Both initiatives provide funding for local health departments and community organizations, a cutting-edge media campaign, tobacco-related evaluation and surveillance, and school-based prevention programs.

Find additional information about the California Tobacco Prevention Program via the CTPP Websites link located on the TCFOR homepage.


What funding opportunities do you offer, and how often is funding available?

This site is updated as soon as new funding opportunities become available. Please check back often. Once you create an account on the Funding Opportunities portion of this website, you will be alerted as new information is added to any given Request for Applications/Request for Proposals. There is no set schedule for the release of funding opportunities.

How do I locate data on smoking and health?

You can find information on various data sources pertaining to tobacco and health at the CTPP Featured Websites page on this site.

Can I add my project to the Project Directory on this site if I do not have funding?

No. Only projects currently funded by CTPP have information posted to this directory.

Can I add information to the web-based Local Program Evaluator Directory on this site?

Yes, the purpose of this directory is to create a resource for our funded projects to identify potential evaluators interested in working with local tobacco control programs in California. Being listed in this directory does not imply endorsement by the California Department of Public Health, California Tobacco Prevention Program. Information provided in this Web-based directory serves as a resource for local tobacco control projects who need to locate experienced local tobacco control evaluators and to support networking among local program evaluators.

This website solicits information about the qualifications, areas of expertise and availability of individuals who would like to be considered as local program evaluators. If a CTPP-funded agency contracts with a local program evaluator identified in this database, the data provided by the local program evaluator will be electronically linked to the Tobacco Control Plan of the CTPP-funded agency. The local program evaluator's directory profile will be automatically updated to identify each CTPP-funded project that the local program evaluator works with.

**Proposers for Media RFPs should not use the Local Program Evaluator Directory. Follow the instructions within the RFP to obtain information about obtaining evaluators.

How can I request more information about the various areas on this website?

Use the “Contact Us” link below to ask any additional questions that are not answered here.